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Author: sgray

TBI Resources: A Guide to Recovery Support

Imagine: A healthy, active person has their world turned upside down after a traumatic brain injury (TBI). They are dealing with cognitive and physical changes and their family is trying to understand this condition and the recovery process. This is the reality for millions worldwide who live with the aftermath of TBI. It’s tough but there is hope. Knowing TBI, knowing the resources for traumatic brain injury, knowing neuropsychological evaluations and how to navigate the recovery journey can make all the difference for the patient and their caregiver.

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, Sharif Gray at Broughton Injury Law can help. We have won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call Sharif at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

Quick Facts

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) goes from mild to severe and requires diagnostic tools like the Glasgow Coma Scale and imaging tests to determine the recovery path, long term effects vary from person to person.
  • TBI recovery support includes national and local organizations, research networks and financial aid programs to support patients through rehab, help caregivers and tools for community integration and employment reentry.
  • Managing long term TBI effects means coping with cognitive and behavioral changes, addressing physical health through therapy and seeking social and emotional support, and legal rights and advocacy to give patients more structure for their needs.

What is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

At its simplest a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) is damage to the brain from a blow or jolt to the head, often a head injury. Traumatic brain injuries are complex, with a wide range of symptoms and disabilities. The severity of a TBI can go from a mild concussion to a severe brain injury, the nature of the injury, the areas of the brain affected, the symptoms and the prognosis vary greatly.

The recovery process is long, often months to years, because the brain heals slowly and uniquely. Knowing the basics, the severity spectrum and the diagnostic process is key to the recovery.

TBI 101

A TBI is any injury to the brain from an outside force. Each injury is unique because each brain is unique. The difficulty in diagnosing specific deficits, including neurobehavioral deficits and determining the right rehabilitation is because each brain injury is unique.

Outcomes of a traumatic brain injury can be short term or long term. This is why it’s so important to understand TBI and have personalized rehabilitation and support for brain injury survivors.

Severity Scale

TBIs are mild, moderate or severe. Neurobehavioral deficits and imaging results after the injury help determine the severity. The recovery process is greatly influenced by the severity of the TBI.

Generally recovery tends to progress most quickly in the first 3 to 6 months after the injury and most of the recovery happens in the first 2 years. Even mild TBIs (concussions) can have long term effects so proper care and rehab is needed.

Virginia TBI Lawyer

Diagnostic Tools

Determining the severity of a TBI uses many tools and measures. Some of these are:

  • The Glasgow Coma Scale: a 15 point assessment tool to determine the initial severity of the brain injury. Higher scores mean less severe injury.
  • Imaging tests like CT scans and MRI: these tests can show detailed images of the brain and see if there is structural damage.
  • Neuropsychological evaluations: these evaluations test cognitive function and see how the brain injury affects thinking, memory and behavior.

These tools and measures are used together to get a full picture of the severity of the TBI.

In severe TBI cases intracranial pressure monitoring may be needed to monitor the pressure inside the skull.

TBI Recovery Resources

Recovering from a TBI can be tough. But there are many resources available to help. National and local support groups, research networks and financial assistance programs.

Each resource helps with different parts of recovery such as information, research and financial aid.

National and Local Support Groups

National and local support groups have a big part in TBI recovery. National organizations like the Brain Injury Association of America are leading national advocacy and awareness organizations and offer lots of information about brain injury and services through their state chapters.

Local support groups like the Florida Health Brain Injury Support Groups offer in person and online support and help TBI patients and their families navigate the recovery process.

Rehabilitation Research Networks

Research networks like the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS) and the Neuro-Cognitive Rehabilitation Research Network (NCRRN) are working to improve TBI patient outcomes through new treatments and interventions. They do this by:

  • Conducting longitudinal studies to understand the recovery process
  • Measuring outcomes in major life functions over time
  • Informing and improving TBI rehab strategies

These research networks are key to moving the field of TBI rehab forward and helping TBI patients.

Financial Assistance

Rehab and recovery from a TBI can be expensive. Financial assistance programs like the TBI State Partnership Grant Program, managed by state head injury administrators and the Supplemental Security Income program can help TBI patients during their recovery. These programs provide much needed support so TBI patients can focus on recovery without the added stress of financial burdens.

Rehab and Independent Living

Rehab and independent living are big parts of the recovery journey after a TBI. This journey is therapeutic intervention, using tools for independence and community integration. Each part plays a big role in helping TBI patients get their abilities back, independence and quality of life.

Therapy and Rehab Services

Therapy and rehab services can help TBI patients get their abilities and independence back. Some of the therapies include:

  • Physical therapy to improve mobility and overall fitness and wellness
  • Occupational therapy to relearn daily activities and independence
  • Speech therapy to improve communication and cognitive skills

These therapies are key to the recovery process and can make a big difference in the quality of life for TBI patients.

This is a holistic approach to addressing the individual issues each TBI patient faces and help them make progress in their recovery.

Tools for Independence

Tools for independence such as mobility devices and memory aids can be big help in TBI patients independence. These tools can help with daily tasks, mobility and overall quality of life.

Cognitive rehab tools can help individuals improve their cognitive abilities and restore cognitive functions.

Community Integration

Community integration is a big part of the rehab process for TBI survivors. By prioritizing the rehab process, getting access to services, addressing aggression and anger and identifying triggers, TBI patients can reintegrate back to their communities. Social workers and support groups can offer specialized training to help address the psychological and social issues caused by the injury.

Support for Caregivers and Families

Caring for a loved one with TBI can be tough. Caregivers and families need support to manage the emotional and physical demands of caring for a TBI patient.

This support can come in many forms, coping strategies, education and training and support networks.

Coping Strategies

Coping strategies can help caregivers and families manage the emotional and physical demands of caring for a TBI patient. Here are some:

  1. Encourage independence in the TBI patient.
  2. Take care of yourself.
  3. Learn about brain injury.
  4. Get support from communities that understand what you’re going through.

By doing these, caregivers can manage the demands of caring for a TBI patient.

Physical coping strategies like self-care and skill enhancement can also prevent burnout and improve the quality of life for caregivers.

Caregiver Education and Training

For caregivers of TBI patients, education and training is key. Resources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) have information, care planning and activities for family caregivers and brain injury fact sheets on topics like sleep, memory and relationships. Reputable online courses and publications also have valuable information for caregivers.

Occupational therapy can also provide caregivers with interventions to support their caregiving role.

Support Networks

Support networks offer emotional support and guidance to caregivers and families of TBI patients. Online platforms like Smart Patients – Brain Injury Community, Brain Injury Association of America – Caregiver Information Center and BrainLine – Caregivers have resources and platforms for caregivers to connect with others who are going through the same thing. These networks often have educational resources, counseling services, support groups and help in navigating the healthcare system.

To make the most of these networks, caregivers should give one instruction at a time, use lists and memory aids, promote systems change activities and self-care.

Brain Injury Lawyer in Virginia

Employment and Education after TBI

Going back to work or school after a TBI can be a big milestone in the recovery journey. But it can also be challenging. Knowing workplace accommodations, educational resources for students and vocational rehabilitation can help TBI patients navigate these challenges and reintegrate back to their work or school environment.

Workplace Accommodations

Workplace accommodations can help TBI patients get back to work. Some examples are:

  • Flexible scheduling
  • More breaks
  • Extra time for learning tasks
  • Reducing distractions

These accommodations can help TBI patients transition smoother.

Resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) and the Ohio Valley Center can help TBI patients navigate these accommodations and reintegrate back to the workforce.

Educational Resources for Students

For students with TBI, educational resources are key. Schools can help students with TBI by:

  • Teaching functionally equivalent skills or behaviors
  • Developing an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
  • Providing accommodations
  • Direct teaching

Resources like:

  • commercially produced direct instruction materials
  • websites of organizations that study or provide information on TBI
  • special education services

can help students in their education.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational rehabilitation services can help TBI patients get back to work. These services provide support and resources to individuals with TBI to regain and maintain employment.

Specialized vocational rehabilitation programs can help TBI patients achieve better employment outcomes.

Living with Long-Term Effects of TBI

Living with TBI means managing long-term effects like cognitive and behavioral changes, physical health considerations and social and emotional challenges. It’s important to know these changes, find ways to cope and get support for a good life despite these challenges.

Cognitive and Behavioral Changes

Cognitive and behavioral changes are common after TBI. These can include:

  • Attention
  • Concentration
  • Learning
  • Memory
  • Reasoning
  • Executive functioning

Behavioral changes like:

  • Agitation
  • Aggression
  • Impulsivity
  • Mood swings

Knowing these changes and finding ways to manage them can make life better for TBI patients.

Physical Health Considerations

TBI can cause physical health effects like:

  • headaches
  • memory loss
  • seizures
  • dizziness
  • visual changes
  • fatigue
  • paralysis
  • balance issues

Physical therapy, a form of physical medicine and other therapies can help address these issues, increase mobility and overall fitness and well-being.

Social and Emotional Support

For TBI patients, social connections and emotional support is key. Maintaining social connections can be hard because of lost friendships, decreased social engagement and social isolation. But effective strategies like active listening, showing interest in others and focusing during interactions can help preserve these connections.

Emotional support in the form of:

  • psychiatric care
  • physical therapy
  • occupational therapy
  • social support
  • brain injury support group

can make a big difference in the recovery.

Injury Recovery

Legal Rights and Advocacy

For TBI patients and their families, knowing legal rights and advocacy is crucial. Disability rights and legislation, advocacy groups and navigating the Social Security Administration are key to TBI patients getting the support and accommodations they are entitled to.

Disability Rights and Legislation

Disability rights and legislation protect TBI patients. Key laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) prevent discrimination and ensure equal access to resources and opportunities.

The Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Act of 1996 and other laws protect people with brain injuries and ensure equal access to services and supports.

Advocacy Groups and Their Work

Advocacy groups help TBI patients and their families. They:

  • Raise awareness
  • Advocate for policies to increase awareness, prevention, research, healthcare and civil rights for people affected by brain injury
  • Influence policy change by being informed, mobilizing supporters, strategizing, communicating with lawmakers and tailoring their message to different audiences.

They also provide legal assistance and referral services to TBI patients so they can get guidance and support in dealing with the legal issues related to their injury.

Navigating the Social Security Administration

For TBI patients, navigating the Social Security Administration process can be overwhelming. But the administration does comprehensive assessments of disability claims for people with TBI and provides disability benefits if the TBI causes severe impairment that prevents them from working.

Filing Form SSA-16 is a key step in applying for social security disability insurance benefits with the Social Security Administration.


Recovering from a traumatic brain injury can be tough but with the right information, resources and support, TBI patients and their caregivers can make life better. Knowing the injury, getting resources for recovery, using therapy and rehabilitation services and advocating for legal rights are all key steps in this journey. Remember, the road to recovery is long but with persistence, resilience and the right support, it’s a journey to regaining independence and living life to the fullest.


How do you support someone with a brain injury?

Support someone with a brain injury by helping them break down tasks, learn their triggers, monitor their overstimulation, make their home a friendlier place and support them during treatment. Offer to take over tasks they can’t do for now and help them gradually expand their comfort zone.

How much can you get for TBI?

The amount of a TBI settlement varies depending on the situation and the severity of the injuries.

What’s the recovery process like for TBI patients?

The recovery process for TBI patients is long, months to years because of the brain’s slow healing process. The Glasgow Coma Scale is one of the tools used to measure the severity of the injury and guide the recovery.

What kind of rehabilitation facilities are available for TBI patients?

There are rehabilitation facilities for TBI patients for all stages and needs. They offer specialized care and support.

What resources are available for students with TBI?

Students with TBI can get educational resources such as commercially produced direct instruction materials, TBI organization websites and special education services to help them in their learning. This can be a big help and support in their education.


Virginia Personal Injury Lawyer

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

Sharif Gray works as a trial lawyer at Broughton Injury Law. Sharif has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

Sharif loves what he does, and he is proud of the positive impact he has had and will continue to have on the people he represents and the community he lives in.

If Sharif can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call him at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

How to Choose the Right Car Accident Doctor

After a car accident you may not think you need medical attention especially if there are no visible injuries. A car accident doctor isn’t just for immediate care; they’re important in uncovering hidden injuries that can affect your health and any future claims. Our guide helps you choose the right doctor fast so you’re covered medically and legally.

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, Sharif Gray at Broughton Injury Law can help. We have won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call Sharif at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

Quick Facts

  • Get medical attention ASAP after a car accident to detect injuries that may not be visible and to document for personal injury claims.
  • Car accident injuries require specialized care and patients may need to see multiple medical specialists such as orthopedic surgeons, chiropractors and neurologists to address specific types of injuries.
  • Car accident victims should document all injuries and treatments, get a second opinion if needed and consider the long term health implications of their injuries for recovery and legal purposes.

Why You Need to See a Doctor After a Car Accident

Imagine this – you’ve just been in a car wreck and while you’re shaken you don’t see any visible injuries. You might be tempted to skip the ER, but giving in to that temptation could be a big mistake. Even if you don’t see any immediate signs of injury you may not see auto accident related injuries right away. Getting to a doctor after a car accident is crucial as it allows for early detection and treatment of potential injuries.

Additionally, post accident medical care serves two purposes – it protects your health and your personal injury claim. Medical records can prove your claim and help your attorney get you the biggest settlement possible. Delaying medical treatment can affect how insurance companies look at your case.

Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can cause a multitude of injuries from minor cuts and bruises to life changing conditions. One of the common car accident injuries is whiplash, a condition often associated with rear end collisions that affects the neck as a car accident injury. This can affect the:

  • bones
  • muscles
  • tendons
  • ligaments
  • nerves in the neck

Not all injuries are visible or felt immediately. Some common injuries with delayed symptoms are:

  • Strains
  • Sprains
  • Internal bleeding
  • Broken bones

These can affect muscles and internal organs. Fractures and breaks in the vertebrae and damage to the spinal discs are also common and require orthopedic doctors to treat.

Who’s the Right Doctor for Your Injuries

When it comes to car accident injuries, one size doesn’t fit all. Everyone’s body, injury and recovery process is unique so requires specialized care. Different medical professionals from chiropractors to orthopedic doctors play different roles in treating car accident victims.

Let’s take a closer look at the role of each specialist in your recovery journey.

Orthopedic Surgeons

Orthopedic surgeons are the specialists for bone, joint and muscle injuries. They have extensive training and deep understanding of the human musculoskeletal system to diagnose and recommend physical therapy or surgical interventions like setting broken bones.

So why should you see an orthopedic surgeon right after a car accident? Well, delaying medical care can mean more suffering and can even affect how insurance companies look at personal injury cases. Getting medical attention right away prevents injury from getting worse and speeds up recovery.


Chiropractors are hands on healthcare professionals who focus on musculoskeletal conditions like neck pain, lower back pain and shoulder pain from whiplash. They use non-invasive techniques like spinal manipulation, massage, hot and cold therapy, myofascial release and active release therapy to manage pain and promote healing.

Chiropractic care is especially good for soft tissue injuries, reducing inflammation and scar tissue and restoring range of motion which are all key to the recovery process. Their main goal is to minimize pain and discomfort, with a focus on the neck, back and shoulder areas.

Brain Injury Lawyer


Neurologists are specialists in diagnosing and treating injuries to:

  • Brain and spinal cord
  • Peripheral nervous system
  • Autonomic nervous system
  • Muscular system

These include head trauma, whiplash and neck pain which are common auto accident injuries and car accident consequences.

They use diagnostic tests like MRIs and EEGs to evaluate brain activity and pinpoint injuries. Their expertise allows for a more targeted and effective treatment for neurological injuries.

Insurance and Medical Bills

Dealing with the financial burden of medical bills after a car accident can be overwhelming. Fortunately there are several types of insurance that can cover these expenses:

  • Personal injury protection (PIP) which covers medical expenses and passengers up to the same amount as the driver
  • Med Pay which covers medical expenses no matter who was at fault
  • No fault insurance which covers medical expenses no matter who was at fault

Having one or more of these types of insurance with an insurance company can help with the financial burden of medical bills after a car accident.

But healthcare providers billing practices vary by state where the accident occurred. In those situations an attorney can be very helpful especially when PIP funds are depleted. An attorney’s lien can cover the outstanding medical bills and make sure you get the medical care you need without the immediate financial burden.

Personal Injury Lawyer

Physical Therapy in Recovery

After immediate medical care, physical therapy is another critical part of the recovery process after an accident. This type of therapy is key to managing pain, restoring function and preventing disability.

Physical therapy helps with pain management by reducing pain and stiffness, improving range of motion and strengthening muscles. These benefits give you relief from discomfort and reduce your need for pain medication.

There are many case studies that show the effectiveness of physical therapy in post accident recovery including Patti Morrow’s recovery after a near fatal car accident in South Africa.

Documenting Injuries and Treatment for Legal Purposes

Documentation of your injuries and treatment becomes critical when you are in a car accident. A good documentation will show the direct link between the injuries and the accident which is the foundation of a good personal injury case.

How do you document injuries? The process involves:

  • Taking photos of the injuries
  • Getting witness statements
  • Getting the police report
  • Getting further evidence like medical records and expert medical statements to get a complete documentation.

An attorney can help with this process.

How to Find a Car Accident Doctor

Finding the right doctor after a car accident can be daunting. One of the first things to look for is board certification in the specialty area related to your injury such as:

  • musculoskeletal trauma
  • orthopedic surgery
  • neurology
  • physical medicine and rehabilitation

Just as important is to verify a doctor’s experience and credentials. You can check with your state’s medical board, use DocFinder or the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) Certified Doctor Verification Service. And make sure the doctor accepts auto insurance as payment for medical treatment.

When to Get a Second Opinion

Most of the time a second opinion is sought after a car accident. Make sure to get a comprehensive diagnosis of all injuries including internal ones that may not be immediately apparent. A second opinion allows you to review the initial diagnosis and treatment plan and confirm or revise as needed.

Medical professionals often have different opinions on the diagnosis and treatment of injuries from car accidents. If you are unsure or disagree with your doctor’s initial recommendations get a second opinion.

Long Term Effects of Car Accident Injuries

Car accident injuries can cause long term physical and cognitive issues including:

  • Chronic pain
  • Limited mobility
  • Reduced movement capacity
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Neurobiological stress and cortisol disruptions from these injuries can even cause chronic pain disorders.

And the mental trauma from severe car accidents can cause emotional and psychological effects including:

  • PTSD
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • phobias
  • behavioral changes
  • sleep disturbances
  • post-traumatic stress disorder


Dealing with an accident can be overwhelming but with the right information and resources you can take control of your recovery. From getting immediate medical attention, finding the right specialist, to dealing with insurance claims and documenting your injuries every step counts. Remember your health is your wealth. Prioritize it even if the injuries seem minor. Because when it comes to your well being there’s no room for compromise.


Who to see after car accident?

After a car accident see your family doctor first who can refer you to specialists like chiropractors or orthopedic doctors for further care. Your family doctor can assess your condition and guide you to the right medical care.

Why see a neurologist after a car accident?

You should see a neurologist after a car accident because the forces from the impact can strain the skull, brain stem and neck muscles and if not treated can cause permanent damage. You need to address any issues early on to prevent long term effects.

What is chronic pain from a car accident?

Chronic pain from a car accident is long term, localized pain in specific areas of the body such as back, shoulders or neck that can last a lifetime.

Why get medical attention right away after a car accident?

Get medical attention right away after a car accident to diagnose and treat injuries and to validate your injury claim and get the maximum payout. Don’t wait.


Virginia Personal Injury Lawyer

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

Sharif Gray works as a trial lawyer at Broughton Injury Law. Sharif has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

Sharif loves what he does, and he is proud of the positive impact he has had and will continue to have on the people he represents and the community he lives in.

If Sharif can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call him at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

Virginia Wrongful Death Statute: A Guide

You’re looking at the Virginia wrongful death statute because you need to know when and how to file a wrongful death claim, who can file it and what you can recover. The Virginia wrongful death statute is a legal process for families to get justice and compensation when a loved one dies because of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing. This article will walk you through the process, from the statutory framework and Virginia wrongful death statute of limitations to the types of damages you can get.

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, Sharif Gray at Broughton Injury Law can help. We have won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call Sharif at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

Quick Facts

  • In Virginia, wrongful death claims must be filed by the personal representative of the estate and beneficiaries can include a surviving spouse, certain family members or a partnership plaintiff if the deceased was a business partner.
  • The statute of limitations for filing wrongful death claims in Virginia is 2 years from the date of death and there are specific steps to follow including gathering evidence and proving duty, breach, causation and damages.
  • Damages in a wrongful death claim include economic losses like medical and funeral expenses and lost income and non-economic damages like emotional distress. Choose an attorney with wrongful death experience for your case.

What is Wrongful Death in Virginia

Each state has its own laws and requirements for wrongful death claims but the underlying principles are the same. In Virginia, wrongful death means any death caused by the negligence or wrongdoing of another person or entity. The claim can be brought by the personal representative of the deceased person’s estate which can include a corporate or partnership plaintiff if the deceased was a partner or shareholder in a business.

The types of fatal incidents that can lead to a wrongful death claim are many, from car accidents to medical malpractice to workplace accidents.

Definition of Wrongful Death

At its simplest, the definition of wrongful death in Virginia is any death caused by the wrongful act, neglect or default of another. This includes situations where another person’s negligence, recklessness or intentional wrongdoing causes the death of a person and could result in a claim for damages. Unlike other types of homicide, wrongful death in Virginia is a civil matter and is about getting compensation for the loss, so it’s a type of civil case.

Examples of this include motor vehicle accidents, slip-and-falls and workplace accidents.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim?

In wrongful death cases the right to file a claim belongs to the statutory beneficiaries of the deceased which include the surviving spouse and certain family members. If a personal representative has been appointed they too can file the lawsuit. This person is usually the executor or administrator of the estate and may charge service fees for their services.

As the representative they have the right to settle any claim for damages under the law including claims under a liability insurance policy with the court’s approval.

Types of Fatal Incidents

In Virginia, the following types of incidents can lead to a wrongful death claim:

  • Car accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Medical malpractice

If the deceased was a business partner, a partnership plaintiff may be involved if the wrongful death claim is related to the business.

These are just a few of the most common types of wrongful death claims in the state so road safety and professional accountability is key.

Wrongful Death Statutes

Understanding the wrongful death statutes in Virginia can be confusing. The statutes are found in Virginia Code Section 8.01-53 which states the claim can be brought by the personal representative of the deceased person’s estate.

Also be aware of the statute of limitations in Virginia which is 2 years from the date of death.

Deadline to File

In Virginia, as with any legal matter, time is of the essence. The statute of limitations to file a wrongful death claim is 2 years from the date of the victim’s death. This means the clock starts ticking from the moment the person dies. There is no exception to this rule and if you file after the deadline the claim will be barred.

How to File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Filing a wrongful death lawsuit involves:

  1. Gathering evidence such as the death certificate, coroner’s report and medical records of the deceased.
  2. Identifying the executor of the deceased’s estate.
  3. Proving the 4 elements of a wrongful death claim: duty, breach, causation and damages.

Once the lawsuit is filed the parties need to be formally served which means bringing the case to the court with jurisdiction.

Damages and Awards in Wrongful Death Cases

After a wrongful death the family of the deceased is left with financial and emotional hardship. In these cases damages and compensation helps to ease the financial burden. Damages are usually divided into two categories: economic and non-economic damages.

To calculate these damages you must calculate the deceased’s financial contributions to the family and the financial hardship to family members. Non-economic damages such as emotional distress, loss of companionship and other subjective losses can be much harder to calculate.

Economic vs Non-Economic Damages

In wrongful death cases understanding the difference between economic and non-economic damages is key. Economic damages are quantifiable financial losses such as medical bills, loss of financial support, and funeral costs. These are easier to calculate as they are specific and measurable.

Non-economic damages are more subjective non-monetary losses such as pain, emotional distress and loss of enjoyment of life.

Financial Impact

Calculating the financial impact of a wrongful death case involves looking at the deceased’s past and potential future earnings. Key factors are medical costs related to the death, potential punitive damages and the age, income and education of the deceased.

One often overlooked factor is the life expectancy of the deceased which plays a big role in the calculation of future damages especially in the loss of lifetime earnings and earning capacity.

Get Representation

Having the right legal representation is crucial in a wrongful death case. An experienced attorney can guide, support and represent you through the legal process, seeking justice and compensation for the family.

From choosing the right attorney for your case to understanding the role of an attorney in a wrongful death lawsuit legal support is a big part of winning a wrongful death claim.

Choosing the Right Attorney for Your Case

Choosing the right attorney for a wrongful death case is a big decision. You need to find a lawyer with experience in handling wrongful death cases and has a clear understanding of potential damages including medical expenses, funeral costs, lost future income, loss of companionship and emotional pain. The attorney’s communication style also plays a big role in building trust and explaining complex legal matters.

Be aware of the signs that an attorney may not be right for your wrongful death case such as lack of experience in wrongful death cases, poor communication and a fee structure that is not proportionate to the expected recovery in the case.

The Attorney’s Role in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

The role of an attorney in a wrongful death lawsuit is many fold. They gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies and represent the plaintiff in court. To gather evidence attorneys collect documents, get eyewitness testimony, consult expert witnesses and review autopsy reports. They also negotiate with insurance companies to get a fair settlement that provides compensation to the victim’s family for their pain.

In court they present arguments, evidence and witnesses to the judge or jury after gathering necessary documents from the clerk’s office for their court date.

Personal Injury Trial Lawyer

The Court Process

Understanding the court process is a big part of any wrongful death case. The General District Court in Virginia is a lower court that handles simpler cases without juries while the Circuit Court is a higher trial court that handles more complex cases and provides for jury trials.

After a lawsuit is filed and the filing fee is paid the next step is serving the defendant and selecting a return date for the case which must be within 60 days of service.

General District Court vs. Circuit Court

The General District Court and the Circuit Court in Virginia have different roles. The General District Court with its civil division handles a variety of cases including civil and criminal cases such as traffic violations, misdemeanors and civil cases with smaller claims. The Circuit Court handles bigger cases such as most civil cases with claims over $25,000, felonies, bigger civil cases and appeals from the General District Court.

Note that the jurisdiction of these courts are different, the General District Court also known as small claims court or small claims division has a limit of $50,000 for personal injury cases and specific personal property valued, while the Circuit Court has no jurisdictional limit.

Pre-Trial and Trial Process

The pre-trial and trial process in a wrongful death case is complicated and requires attention to detail. The pre-trial phase involves determining the order of succession, gathering evidence of damages and filing the case within the statute of limitations. During the discovery phase both parties exchange information and evidence related to the case which can include written interrogatories, document requests and depositions.

Pre-trial motions are used to address the lawsuit with a typical motion being a demurrer as per Virginia Code § 8.01-273. During the trial both parties present their arguments, evidence and witnesses to the judge or jury.

Settling a Wrongful Death Claim

Settling a wrongful death claim instead of going to trial can have multiple benefits such as speeding up the compensation process, avoiding a long trial and reducing costs. The negotiation process is key to getting a settlement with attorneys navigating through legal complexities, determining compensation and advocating for their clients.

The settlement amount is referred to as a money judgment and is determined by various factors and can range from $500,000 to $1 million or more or less.

Benefits of Settlement

Settling a wrongful death claim has financial and emotional benefits. The settlement process can speed up the compensation process, avoid a long trial process and get the compensation to the statutory beneficiaries sooner. The plaintiff has the right to decide whether to accept the settlement or go forward with additional legal action and have more control over the outcome of their case.

On an emotional level settling a wrongful death claim allows for closure and for the beneficiaries to move on with their lives.

Negotiation Process

Negotiating a wrongful death settlement is a complicated process that requires expertise and experience. Attorneys play a big role in this process including:

  • Determining damages
  • Knowing the specific laws and regulations governing wrongful death claims
  • Advocating for their clients.

The outcome of the negotiation is dependent on the quality of the evidence and understanding of the settlement terms. The duration of the negotiation process can vary but typically takes a few months to several years.

Special Considerations in Wrongful Death Cases

There are several special considerations in wrongful death cases. Virginia wrongful death cases can have multiple defendants and the allocation of liability is determined by the principles of joint and several liability meaning any wrongdoer found liable can be held responsible for the full compensation.

Multiple Defendants and Shared Liability

When there are multiple defendants in a wrongful death case, allocating liability can get complicated. In Virginia any defendant found at fault can be held liable for the entire damages and it creates complexity in allocating liability and determining the right compensation for the wrongful death. The damages are distributed among the beneficiaries based on the percentage of loss suffered by each.

The insurance company may offer a settlement based on the shared liability among the defendants.

Proving Fault

Proving fault in a wrongful death case is one of the hardest parts of the process. To prove negligence you must show that the defendant owed a duty of care to the deceased, that duty was breached and that the breach caused the wrongful death. Proving causation or a direct link between the defendant’s actions and the death of the individual is crucial in showing that the wrongful death was caused by the defendant’s breach of duty.

To prove fault you may need to present various evidence such as medical records, witness testimony, expert opinions and financial documents.


In summary, filing a wrongful death claim in Virginia requires knowledge of the legal process from the basics of wrongful death and the laws governing these claims to the damages and compensation, the court system and the importance of legal representation. It’s a tough process but with the right knowledge and legal help justice can be achieved for the deceased and their loved ones.


What is the burden of proof for wrongful death?

In wrongful death cases the burden of proof is on the plaintiff who must prove liability by a preponderance of the evidence not beyond a reasonable doubt like in criminal cases. This means the plaintiff must show it is more likely than not the defendant is responsible.

What are the damages for wrongful death?

Damages for wrongful death include compensation for lost financial support and suffering. Juries consider factors such as the person’s income and the level of family dependence before awarding damages.

What’s the difference between homicide and wrongful death?

The main difference between homicide and wrongful death is that wrongful death is a civil case while homicide is a criminal case. Wrongful death cannot result in incarceration (2022).

What’s the difference between wrongful death and negligence?

Wrongful death is a civil action for injuries or damages resulting in another’s death while negligence is one type of liability in wrongful death cases although it’s the most common.

Where do I go to see if someone died in Virginia?

2001 Maywill Street, Suite # 101 Richmond, VA 23230 Monday – Friday 7:00am – 4:30pm.


Virginia Personal Injury Lawyer

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

Sharif Gray works as a trial lawyer at Broughton Injury Law. Sharif has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

Sharif loves what he does, and he is proud of the positive impact he has had and will continue to have on the people he represents and the community he lives in.

If Sharif can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call him at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

Motorcycle Accident Causes: How to Ride Safer

Motorcycling is fun but dangerous. Knowing the causes of motorcycle accident and how to prevent them is key to a safer ride. This post will give you a rundown of the top causes of motorcycle accidents and safer riding tips.

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, Sharif Gray at Broughton Injury Law can help. We have won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call Sharif at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

Quick Facts

  • Rider behavior, environmental conditions and vehicle related issues (dangerous stunts, bad weather or road surfaces, no safety features like ABS) are the main causes of motorcycle accidents.
  • Common motorcycle accident scenarios are left turn collisions, unsafe lane changes and head on collisions, which can result to severe injuries; riders can prevent these by being attentive and defensive and wearing proper safety gear.
  • After a motorcycle accident, immediate legal steps to take are to notify the insurance company and seek medical attention to document injuries and consult a motorcycle accident lawyer to discuss compensation.

Motorcycle Accident Factors: The Culprits

Every year, thousands of motorcycle accidents happen and affect lives and families. While unfortunate, many of these accidents can be prevented if we know the main culprits. By analyzing reported motorcycle crashes we can identify the factors that often revolve around rider behavior, environmental conditions and vehicle related issues. The reported motorcycle crashes give us valuable data to better understand these factors.

Rider behavior, common culprits are reckless actions like speeding and stunts. Alcohol consumption is another factor in motorcycle accident causes. Bad weather and rough road conditions are environmental factors that increases risk. Vehicle related issues due to poor maintenance or malfunction also causes accidents.

Rider Behavior

Rider behavior is a major factor in motorcycle accidents. Actions like speeding, doing road tricks like wheelies and standing on the seat while in motion are big contributors to motorcycle crashes.

And alcohol consumption has a big impact on motorcycle accidents. Riders involved in fatal accidents have the highest rate of intoxication among all motorists.

Inexperience due to lack of skills to handle road situations also contributes to motorcycle accidents.

Environmental Conditions

Environmental conditions affects the probability of motorcycle accidents. Bad weather for example can result to slippery roads and poor visibility thus increasing accident risk. Sudden weather changes like unexpected rain can worsen road conditions.

The road condition is another factor. Uneven surfaces, potholes and broken asphalt is a risk for motorcycle accidents which can cause serious injuries. So motorcyclists should be aware of their surroundings and adjust as needed to stay safe.

Vehicle Related Issues

Vehicle related issues though less frequent can cause motorcycle accidents. An irresponsible mechanic who doesn’t service a motor vehicle (like a motorcycle) properly or a municipality that ignores a road hazard can be held liable for the subsequent accidents.

Motorcycle defects or no antilock brakes is a vehicle related factor that can cause accidents. An antilock braking system (ABS) can reduce fatal crashes by 37% and its absence increases the risk of injury and death.

Motorcycle Accident Scenarios

Each motorcycle accident is unique but there are common scenarios that are more frequent than others. These are:

  • Left turn collisions: a car turns left in front of an oncoming motorcycle.
  • Unsafe lane changes: a vehicle changes lane without noticing a motorcycle.
  • Head on collisions: a vehicle crosses into an oncoming lane and crashes.

Each of these can cause severe injuries such as:

  • head injuries
  • road rash
  • nerve damage
  • foot injuries
  • broken bones

Knowing these scenarios can help riders anticipate and react to these situations and prevent accidents.

Biker Crash Lawyer

Left Turn Collisions

Left turn collisions is a big risk to motorcyclists. These accidents happen when a car turns left in front of an oncoming motorcycle. The factors that contribute to these are:

  • The motorcycle is hard to see due to its small size
  • Obstructed view for the turning driver
  • Speeding
  • Traffic signal or sign influence

These all combined increases the likelihood of left turn collisions to motorcycles.

Such incidents like a car accident can cause severe injuries like ligament, tendon, muscle or broken bones usually in the lower extremities. To avoid left turn collisions and lane splitting risks riders should be aware and expect that a car will turn left in front of them.

Unsafe Lane Changes

Unsafe lane changes is another common scenario that causes motorcycle accidents. This happens when a vehicle changes lane without seeing a motorcycle and often results to severe injuries and deaths. The smaller visual profile of a motorcycle makes it harder to see on the road thus increasing the likelihood of such incidents.

To minimize the risk of accidents from unsafe lane changes motorcyclists should practice defensive riding. Be aware of their surroundings and check mirrors and blind spots before making any lane changes.

Head On Collisions

Head on collisions between motorcycle and other vehicles can cause severe injuries and deaths. These accidents happen when a vehicle crosses into an oncoming lane and the motorcycle’s front end collides with another vehicle’s front end.

Notably, lack of structural protection for motorcycles, sudden stop, reckless driving, speeding and alcohol use are the common factors that lead to head on collisions and car accidents. To prevent such accidents bikers can stay in their lane and be aware of their surroundings to react to potential dangers.

Motorcycle Safety Gear: Reduce Injuries and Fatalities

Wearing proper safety gear can reduce injuries and deaths in motorcycle accidents. For example helmets have been proven scientifically to reduce brain injury and prevent deaths in motorcycle accidents.

Besides helmets, wearing proper gear like jackets and gloves can also provide additional protection to the head, body and hands. Knowing the importance of safety gear and wearing it consistently can contribute to a rider’s safety on the road.

Defensive Riding Techniques: Safe on the Road

Defensive riding techniques can increase a motorcyclist’s safety on the road. These are:

  • Maintain safe distance from other vehicles to have enough reaction time in case of unexpected situations.
  • Anticipate hazards and avoid potential dangers on the road.
  • Be visible to other drivers to reduce accidents caused by other drivers not seeing the motorcyclist.

Follow these and you’ll be safer.

Safe Distance

Maintaining safe distance from other vehicles can prevent accidents caused by sudden stops or swerving. It gives enough reaction time in unexpected situations. So motorcyclists are advised to have at least 3 seconds gap between their motorcycle and other vehicles.

In heavy traffic conditions motorcyclists should:

  • Have safe distance from the vehicle in front especially at intersections
  • Check blind spots regularly
  • Avoid distractions
  • Be cautious when overtaking other vehicles

Follow these and you’ll have safe distance.

Anticipating Hazards

Anticipating hazards can help motorcyclists avoid accidents by giving them time to react to potential hazards such as:

  • Road debris
  • Sudden changes in traffic
  • Uneven road surfaces
  • Dangerous road conditions

These are common road hazards for both motorcyclists and car drivers.

Motorcyclists can anticipate traffic changes by observing the head movements of drivers, using turn signals and preparing for sudden speed changes. To anticipate potholes and road debris motorcyclists can use turn signals to anticipate traffic changes, adjust their position in the lane to avoid potential hazards and increase their following distance to identify and avoid hidden hazards.

Be Visible

Being visible to other drivers can reduce accidents. Motorcyclists can be visible by using headlights and wearing reflective gear to reduce accidents caused by poor visibility.

Neon or bright colors are recommended for motorcyclists to wear to be visible as these colors are highly reflective and can catch other drivers’ attention. Besides wearing reflective gear, riders can be visible by:

  • Riding a colored motorcycle
  • Using reflective tape
  • Stay out of blind spots
  • Tap their brakes
  • Use their horn
  • Add auxiliary lights
  • Avoid riding in bad weather.

Legal Stuff: What to do after a Motorcycle Accident

After a motorcycle accident, follow these legal steps to protect your rights and get potential compensation. First is to notify your insurance company with the incident details. Even if it’s a minor accident, you should report it to the police.

You should get medical attention after a motorcycle accident to identify internal injuries and to have documentation for insurance claims. Gather evidence such as photos of the accident scene, vehicle damage, visible injuries, witness statements, police reports and medical records to support your claim.

Lastly, seek a motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible after a motorcycle accident to know your rights and options for compensation.


In summary, knowing the factors that contribute to motorcycle accidents and how to avoid them is important for all riders. By knowing the impact of rider behavior, environmental conditions and vehicle related issues to motorcycle accidents, riders can take necessary steps to prevent accidents and be safer.

Defensive riding, wearing safety gear and knowing the common accident scenarios can reduce motorcycle accidents. After an accident follow the legal steps to protect your rights and get potential compensation. Remember safety first when riding a motorcycle.


What’s the most common type of motorcycle crash?

Most common type of motorcycle crash is a left turn crash. A motorcycle is struck by a vehicle turning left at an intersection, corner or stop sign.

What happens to the body in a motorcycle accident?

In a motorcycle accident the physical force can cause internal organ damage and bleeding which can be painless and symptomless and can lead to undiagnosed and deadly consequences.

How much for a motorcycle accident?

The compensation for a motorcycle accident varies from case to case but can range from $5,000 to $50,000 or more. Consult a lawyer for a more accurate estimate.

What to do if you get into a motorcycle accident?

If you get into a motorcycle accident, get medical attention for your injuries, stay at the scene, call the local police if you can, take photos of your injuries and the accident scene and exchange contact info with the other involved drivers.

What are the factors that contribute to motorcycle accidents?

Rider behavior, environmental conditions and vehicle related issues. Riders should know these and take precautions.


Virginia Personal Injury Lawyer

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

Sharif Gray works as a trial lawyer at Broughton Injury Law. Sharif has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

Sharif loves what he does, and he is proud of the positive impact he has had and will continue to have on the people he represents and the community he lives in.

If Sharif can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call him at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

Trucking Accidents: Trends and Safety for 2024

With trucking accidents on the rise, commercial truck accident stats show we need to understand the causes and safety measures to save lives. This in-depth report gives you the stats, the main culprits and an action guide to trucking safety in 2024.

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, Sharif Gray at Broughton Injury Law can help. We have won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call Sharif at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

Quick Hits

  • Trucking stats show big truck crashes are up 26% from 2020 to 2021 so we need to up our safety game and our vigilance on the roads.
  • Driver behavior (fatigue and distracted driving), inadequate vehicle maintenance and bad weather are the main culprits of truck accidents so maintenance schedules and regulatory compliance are key. The crash report sampling system gives us the data to address these issues.
  • Safety measures and regulations like hours of service rules, mandatory rest breaks and electronic logging devices help prevent trucking accidents and keep truck drivers and other road users safe.

Trucking Accident Stats and Trends

A disturbing trend has emerged over the past few years with truck accident stats showing a big increase in big truck crashes. The severity of these crashes makes it even more urgent to take action. There was a 26% increase in big truck crashes from 2020 to 2021 so this is a big problem. The fatality analysis reporting system gives us the data to understand this trend.

Further digging into commercial truck accident stats paints a grim picture. 2021 saw a 50% increase in fatalities from big truck crashes from 2009 with 4,714 fatalities. This is scary so we need to be more vigilant and strict with our safety protocols to stop this trend.

Big Truck Crashes Up 26% From 2020 to 2021

The number of big truck crashes in the US increased from 2020 to 2021. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) there were 523,796 big truck crashes in 2021 up 26% from 415,444 in 2020. This is likely due to the increase in trucks on the road as the economy recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic. Of those crashes 310,000 were property damage only, 101,000 were injury and 4,444 were fatal. This is a big problem so we need to up our safety game.

Fatalities and Injuries

The human cost of truck accident fatalities is clear in the number of fatal truck crashes. Most of those who die in these crashes are not truck occupants but passenger vehicle drivers, 67-68% of the time. This shows how vulnerable passenger vehicle occupants are in big truck crashes.

Not only is the death toll high but the number of injuries is also scary. In 2018 there were 112,000 injury crashes involving big trucks and 414,000 property damage only crashes. The outcomes of these crashes and the property damage is brutal.

Causes of Accident

While the stats are scary, understanding the causes is key to prevention. Driver fatigue is a major contributor to these accidents. The Fatality Analysis Reporting System and the crash report sampling system says driver fatigue is involved in fatal crashes and accounts for around 4,600 semi-truck fatal accidents each year.

Vehicle maintenance issues and distracted driving also play a big role in trucking accidents. Mechanical failures due to poor maintenance can cause loss of vehicle control and accounts for 29% of truck accidents. Distracted driving killed at least 2,841 people in 2018 so it’s a big deal on the road.

Fatal Crashes Happen Most in Rural Areas

Fatal big truck crashes happen more in rural areas than urban areas. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) 55% of fatal truck crashes in 2021 happened in rural areas and 45% in urban areas. Rural roads are tougher for truck drivers, dark roads, poor lighting, limited visibility and higher likelihood of driver fatigue. Rural roads also have higher speed limits which makes crashes worse. All these factors combine to make rural areas more deadly.

Big Trucks vs Passenger Vehicles

The size and weight difference between big trucks and passenger vehicles is a big factor in trucking accidents. Big trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds when fully loaded and passenger vehicles weigh between 2,500 to 4,200 pounds. The weight difference makes crashes worse when a big truck is involved especially for big truck occupants.

Truck accident stats show that big trucks are more involved in highway and rural road crashes. Passenger vehicle crashes happen on all types of roads including urban streets. The size, weight and location of the vehicles is a big factor in the severity and frequency of the accident.


The size and weight of big trucks is a big factor in trucking accidents. Fully loaded semi-trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds and can cause big damage and severe injuries upon impact.

A crash between a smaller passenger vehicle and a fully loaded semi-truck can be a fatal truck accident. In fact the size and weight difference between the two vehicles can cause severe injuries and sometimes death. So the severity of big truck crashes can’t be emphasized enough.

Occupant Protection

While truck accidents are bad, the danger to passenger vehicle occupants is worse. The limited protection for passenger vehicle occupants makes them more likely to get injured or killed in a trucking accident. In 2021 97% of those killed in a crash involving a passenger vehicle and a big truck were occupants of the passenger vehicle. This means passenger vehicle occupants are more vulnerable in these types of crashes.

The typical injuries in a trucking accident are traumatic brain injuries to back and neck injuries like whiplash, herniated discs and spinal fractures. These severe injuries proves the higher risk to truck occupants and passenger vehicle occupants.

Crash Locations

Where truck accidents happen is important to understand the frequency and severity. Big trucks are more likely to be involved in accidents on highways and rural roads, 57% of all fatal crashes involving big trucks happen in rural areas.

Also most trucking accidents happen during the day, between 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. These factors adds to the risks of big truck accidents.

Passenger Vehicles Involved

Passenger vehicles are the most common type of vehicle involved in crashes with big trucks. According to FMCSA 67% of fatalities in 2021 crashes involving big trucks were occupants of passenger vehicles. This is because passenger vehicles are more vulnerable, they are lighter and less robust compared to big trucks that can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. There are more passenger vehicles on the road so the likelihood of them being involved in a crash with a big truck is higher. This stat proves the importance of passenger vehicle drivers to be cautious and aware when sharing the road with big trucks.

Trucking Accidents Factors

Beyond the main factors we’ve mentioned earlier the truck driver plays a big role and there are other factors to consider. These are driver behavior, vehicle maintenance and external conditions. All these factors combine to create a complex and tricky situation that contributes to the occurrence and severity of trucking accidents.

Behaviors like fatigue, distraction and impairment contributes to the frequency of truck accidents. Inadequate vehicle maintenance can cause mechanical failures which can lead to accidents. And external conditions like bad weather and road condition can also increase the risk of trucking accidents.

Driver Behavior

Truck drivers behavior is a big contributor to trucking accidents. Frequent behaviors such as fatigue and distraction plays a big role in causing these accidents. In fact the most common driver behaviors that contributes to trucking accidents are:

  • Fatigue
  • Distraction
  • Speeding
  • Aggressive driving
  • Failure to obey traffic laws
  • Alcohol or drug impairment

These behaviors can have a big impact on a truck driver’s performance and increases the risk of crashes.

These behaviors can lead to fatal accidents, that’s why proper driver training and strict regulations is important. By addressing these behaviors we can reduce the risk of trucking accidents and have safer roads for all.

Vehicle Maintenance

Big truck maintenance is important to prevent mechanical failures which can lead to accidents. Common mechanical issues are:

  • Brake failure
  • Tire failure
  • Faulty brakes
  • Broken safety devices
  • Transmission failure

These can lead to loss of control of the truck and increase the risk of a crash.

Commercial truck maintenance is recommended and should be done every 15,000 miles. This should include:

  • Check lights
  • Check brakes
  • Check tires
  • Check fluid levels
  • Change oil and filters

Following these maintenance standards can reduce the risk of mechanical failures and accidents.

External Conditions

Big truck crashes can be affected by weather and road conditions which are external factors that can increase the risk of trucking accidents. For example driving on icy roads can be hazardous and increase the risk of accidents. Fog in particular can reduce visibility and make it challenging for truck drivers to see the road and other vehicles and increase the risk of accidents.

Besides weather conditions, poor road conditions can also contribute to accidents. Some of these are:

  • Poor road design
  • Missing signage
  • Damaged guardrails
  • Poor drainage

Factors like improper truck braking and speeding in these conditions can also cause accidents.

Male Truckers Are More Likely to Be in a Fatal Accident Than Female Truckers

Male truck drivers are more likely to be involved in fatal accidents than female truckers. According to NHTSA, in 2021, 91% of truck drivers involved in fatal crashes were male, 9% were female. This gap may be due to various factors including difference in driving habits and experience. And since males are the majority of the trucking workforce, this could also contribute to the higher number of fatal crashes among male truckers. Understanding these dynamics is important to develop targeted safety interventions.

Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyer

Safety Measures and Regulations to Prevent Trucking Accidents

Truck accident prevention is the focus of many safety measures and regulations. These includes hours of service rules, mandatory rest breaks and electronic logging devices. Each plays a big role in keeping truck drivers and other road users safe.

Hours of service rules limits how long a truck driver can be on the road without a break. Mandatory rest breaks is necessary to ensure truck drivers take regular breaks which helps prevent fatigue and road safety. Electronic logging devices helps enforce compliance with hours of service rules by tracking driving hours and rest periods.

Hours of Service

Truck accident statistics shows the importance of hours of service rules which limits the time a truck driver can be on the road without rest. According to these rules:

  • Truck driver can drive for a maximum of 11 hours continuously
  • Truck driver cannot log more than 60 hours in 7 consecutive days
  • Truck driver cannot log more than 70 hours in 8 consecutive days

Violating these regulations can result to suspension of driver’s license and heavy fines. So adherence to these rules is important to keep truck drivers and other road users safe.

Mandatory Rest Breaks

Truck accident fatalities shows the importance of mandatory rest breaks to ensure truck drivers are well rested and alert on duty. These breaks helps to prevent fatigued driving which is a major factor in accidents by ensuring proper rest and compliance with hours of service rules.

Violating mandatory rest break regulations in the trucking industry can result to penalties such as fines, suspension of driving privileges and imprisonment. So these breaks are not only good for driver’s health but also for all road users.

Electronic Logging Devices

Electronic logging devices helps in trucking safety. They:

  • Enforce hours of service rules by tracking driving hours and rest periods
  • Automatically logs driving time
  • Provides accurate logbook information
  • Adhere to the prescribed hours that drivers can drive and work daily

Using Electronic Logging Devices results to:

  • Better record-keeping
  • Lower crash rates
  • Fewer injuries
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Compliance to hours-of-service rules
  • Overall road safety

Indeed, studies shows a significant decrease in trucking accidents and hours-of-service violations due to the use of these devices.

Safety Technologies

Implementing safety technologies can help reduce large truck crashes and fatalities. Some of the most effective safety technologies are:

  • Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Systems: These systems prevents rollover crashes by applying brakes to individual wheels to maintain vehicle stability.
  • Lane Departure Warning (LDW) Systems: LDW systems warns the driver if they unintentionally drift out of their lane to prevent side-swipe and run-off-road crashes.
  • Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) Systems: AEB systems can detect impending collision and applies brakes to avoid or mitigate the impact.
  • Driver Monitoring Systems: These systems can detect driver fatigue or distraction and provides alerts to prevent accidents.

According to FMCSA, these safety technologies can reduce large truck crashes. For example, a study by FMCSA found that ESC systems can reduce rollover crashes by up to 50%. By integrating these technologies the trucking industry can be safer and protect truck drivers and other road users.

Tips to Share the Road with Large Trucks

Awareness and safe driving is key to prevent truck accident when sharing the road with large trucks. Maintaining a safe following distance and being aware of a truck’s blind spots are two of the key things to consider. By doing so we can reduce accidents and have safer roads for all.

When driving behind a large truck, the safe following distance is at least two seconds behind the vehicle in front to allow time to react in case of sudden stops or changes in traffic. Large commercial trucks also have blind spots in front, rear and sides of the vehicle where the truck driver can’t see other vehicles. Other drivers should avoid these areas to prevent accidents.

Safe Following Distance

It’s important to keep a safe distance when tailing a large truck to prevent truck accident. The recommended safe distance is at least one second for every 10 feet of vehicle length. This distance allows for safe braking and preparation for the truck driver’s unexpected actions.

Not maintaining a safe distance can increase the chances of accidents especially when the truck needs to brake suddenly or encounter an unexpected obstacle. All drivers should keep a safe distance to allow for safe braking and enough time to react to potential hazards.

Blind Spots

Knowing a truck’s blind spots and avoiding them can prevent accidents due to limited visibility. Large commercial trucks have areas of limited visibility all around the vehicle. According to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the blind spot on each side of the truck is:

  • 20 feet ahead of the cab in the front
  • 30 feet behind the trailer in the rear
  • one lane width from the side of the truck on the right side
  • two lanes width from the side of the truck on the left side.

Truck drivers can manage their blind spots and reduce accidents by:

  • Using convex mirrors
  • Installing blind spot detection systems
  • Adjusting their mirrors properly
  • Being vigilant on the road

By knowing and respecting these blind spots both truck drivers and other road users can reduce accidents.


The rise of trucking accidents is a wake up call for us to be more safety conscious and vigilant on our roads. Knowing the factors that contribute to these accidents and following safety measures and regulations can reduce accidents. As we share the road let’s keep a safe distance, be aware of blind spots and promote a safety and responsible culture. Every life saved on our roads is a victory for all of us.


How often do trucking accidents happen?

Trucking accidents are not frequent but still thousands of people die and get injured every year. In 2021 for example 5,788 people died in truck crashes.

Why are trucking accidents a big deal?

Trucking accidents are a big deal because trucks are much bigger and heavier than cars so the impact during collision is much stronger. The big difference in size and weight can cause severe injuries and damage.

What’s the number one cause of semi accidents?

The number one cause of semi accidents is driver error which accounts for the biggest portion of semi-truck accidents. It’s one of the most common cause of crashes.

Which state has the most semi truck accidents?

The state with the most semi truck accidents is Texas with 513 fatal truck accident crashes involving commercial trucks in 2020 alone. This resulted to 581 deaths and 1,245 severe injuries.

What are the common causes of trucking accidents?

Trucking accidents are caused by driver fatigue, distracted driving and vehicle maintenance issues. Truck drivers should prioritize rest, avoid distractions and ensure proper vehicle maintenance to prevent accidents.


Virginia Personal Injury Lawyer

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

Sharif Gray works as a trial lawyer at Broughton Injury Law. Sharif has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

Sharif loves what he does, and he is proud of the positive impact he has had and will continue to have on the people he represents and the community he lives in.

If Sharif can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call him at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

Was It Really an “Accident”? Let’s Use the Right Word—It Matters More Than You Think

Airplanes don’t “have accidents”—they crash. Trains don’t “have accidents”—they wreck. So why do we call motor vehicle collisions “accidents”?

The words we use matter, especially at trial, because they can influence how a jury will interpret the facts. If we call a collision an “accident,” we subtly suggest that no one was at fault. Because of this, a growing number of Virginia courts and agencies, including the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, are moving away from “accident” in favor of more accurate terms like “collision.”

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, Sharif Gray at Broughton Injury Law can help. He has won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call Sharif at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. He will get justice for you.

The Virginia DMV’s official forms now use words like “crash” instead of “accident.” For example:

  • DMV Form FR300P: “Police Crash Report”
  • DMV Form FR200: “Voluntary Report of a Crash”
  • DMV Form CRD 93: “Information Request” for, inter alia, “Police Crash Report”

Virginia’s Circuit Courts are also starting to get it right:

  • On November 20, 2023, in Chesterfield Circuit Court Case No. CL20-3168, the Court recognized that the use of the word “accident” in a motor vehicle collision trial can be inaccurate, confusing, and/or misleading and, as such, entered an order stating “that the Court will substitute the word ‘accident’ with ‘collision’ when instructing the jury.’”
  • On January 23, 2024, in Richmond Circuit Court Case No. CL23-3309, the Court with the consent of all parties entered an order stating “that the Court will substitute the word ‘accident’ with ‘collision’ when instructing the jury.’”

These decisions reflect the understanding that the word “accident” can be misleading, and that “collision” presents a neutral description that allows jurors to consider negligence more objectively.

Why “Accident” Is the Wrong Term

The word “accident” is generally defined as “an event or condition occurring by chance or arising from unknown or remote causes.” Webster’s Third New International Dictionary 11 (1971); see also Black’s Law Dictionary 15 (6th ed. 1990) (“an event happening without any human agency”). By this logic, an “accident” implies that no one is to blame, which can mislead juries in cases where negligence is at issue.

Other prominent legal dictionaries also define the word “accident” to expressly exclude negligence. See The Law Dictionary (2002) (“an unforeseen event, misfortune, act, or omission as is not the result of negligence or misconduct in any party”); Ballentine’s Law Dictionary (3d ed.) (“an occurrence which could not have been foreseen by the exercise of reasonable prudence”).

Beyond just dictionary definitions, the Virginia Supreme Court has repeatedly explained, over the course of decades, that the word “accident” connotes an event that occurs without negligence. See AES Corp. v. Steadfast Ins. Co., 283 Va. 609, 622 (2012) (Mims, J., concurring) (“[U]nder the reasoning of our precedents, allegations of negligence and allegations of accident must be mutually exclusive.”); Tri-State Coach Corp. v. Stidham, 191 Va. 790, 799 (1951) (noting that “in its strictly proper use the word [accident] excludes negligence”) (citing Black’s Law Dictionary 23 (3d ed.); Webster’s New International Dictionary 14 (2d ed., unabridged)); Byrne v. Edmonds, 64 Va. (23 Gratt.) 200, 210 (1873) (“By the term accident is included not merely inevitable casualty or the act of Providence . . . but such unforeseen events, misfortunes, losses, acts or omissions as are not the result of any negligence or misconduct in the party.”); see also Monterey Corp. v. Hart, 216 Va. 843, 850 (1976) (“A collision occurs between vehicles, and it is referred to as an ‘accident.’ [But n]ormally, negligence on the part of one or both parties is involved.”); Morris v. Travelers Indem. Co., 31 Va. Cir. 306, 311 (Greene County 1993) (“Generally, an ‘accident’ means a circumstance or event that is unusual and unexpected or fortuitous and unforeseen and occurs without fault.”).

These longstanding definitions illustrate that the word “accident” is at odds with the reality of most motor vehicle personal injury trials because “collisions” often do not occur without negligence (e.g., reckless driving, distracted driving, or failure to obey traffic laws).

What Trial Lawyers Should Do

Admittedly, Virginia’s Civil Model Jury Instructions use the word “accident” in multiple instructions. However, the model instructions can and should be specifically tailored to the particular circumstances of this case by simply replacing the word “accident” with “crash.” See Va. Model Jury Instructions-Civil(2) (“[M]any [instructions] will require some changes to make them fit the facts of a particular case. . . . The instructions provided in this volume are models or patterns from which to construct instructions that are apt for a case. Therefore, an instruction can be modified . . . to fit the particular facts and circumstances.”).

Courts can and should substitute the word “accident” with “collision” when instructing the jury. And trial lawyers should insist that they do.

Motor vehicle collisions are not inevitable. They are largely preventable. When we label them as “accidents,” we imply a lack of control or responsibility, which undermines efforts to address the real issues. Insisting on the use of the right language is not just a semantic choice—it’s a step towards achieving more just outcomes at trial.

The words we use matter.


Virginia Personal Injury Lawyer

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

Sharif Gray works as a trial lawyer at Broughton Injury Law. Sharif has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

Sharif loves what he does, and he is proud of the positive impact he has had and will continue to have on the people he represents and the community he lives in.

If Sharif can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call him at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

Shifting the Narrative: Why Good Lawyers Should Embrace Marketing

I was totally against it.

I thought it wasn’t for “real” lawyers.

But then I saw this quote: “If you’re a good lawyer and you’re not marketing yourself, shame on you.”

It got me thinking.

Most people have no clue who to call or where to look when in need of a lawyer. So what do they do? They call the lawyer on the billboard, in the commercial, or in the Google ad—they call the lawyer they can find, for better or worse.

I strongly believe that good lawyers have an obligation to market themselves, so those who need them can find them. It’s that simple. Failing to do so not only limits your reach, but also does a disservice to those who will end up with less capable representation (and not know it). By making yourself visible and accessible, you are upholding the integrity of our profession by ensuring that quality legal services are available to those who need them most.

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, Sharif Gray at Broughton Injury Law can help. He has won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call Sharif at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. He will get justice for you.

Marketing also helps you shape and grow your practice in a more focused way. Instead of relying on word-of-mouth or luck, effective marketing lets you attract the type of work you actually want which you will naturally do better at. It gives you the control to build a practice that plays to your strengths and interests, making sure you’re not just busy, but busy with the kinds of clients and cases you want. When you combine solid legal skills with smart marketing, it’s a powerful combination.

So how do you get started?

  1. Change your mindset: Recognize that marketing isn’t about bragging or being “salesy.” It’s about educating the public and making sure people can find you when they need your help. The goal is to position yourself as a resource, not just another lawyer looking for clients.
  2. Identify the type of client you are trying to help: Whether it’s families going through divorces, businesses facing contract disputes, or individuals injured in car wrecks, understanding your target audience is key. Tailor your messaging to speak directly to their needs and concerns.
  3. Build an online presence: It’s no surprise that most people will start their search for a lawyer online. So it is essential to make sure that you can be found online. A professional website that clearly communicates who you are, what you do, and how you can help is non-negotiable. And don’t be shy about getting active on LinkedIn, Instagram, and other social media platforms. It’s uncomfortable at first, but the more you engage, the easier it gets.
  4. Leverage social proof: People trust people. Encourage past clients to leave you a review on Google or wherever your potential clients might look. I can’t tell you how many times a prospective client reached out to me after reading my reviews. They really do make a difference, so make getting them a priority.
  5. Be intentional about networking and relationships: Developing relationships with other lawyers, professionals, and your community can not only lead to valuable referrals, but it’s also fun. Never eat alone. Make it a point to get lunch with someone each week. If you’re in the Richmond area, don’t hesitate to reach out to me—I like food.
  6. Stay consistent: Marketing takes time, and the key is consistency. Whether you’re posting weekly blog updates, sharing insights on LinkedIn, or attending local events, showing up regularly builds your reputation and visibility.

If you’re on the fence about marketing, I hope this post makes you reconsider. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if I can be of help to you.

Remember: there are people who need your help. You’re not marketing for yourself—you’re marketing for them. Because if you can’t be found, you can’t help the people who need you most.


Virginia Personal Injury Lawyer

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

Sharif Gray works as a trial lawyer at Broughton Injury Law. Sharif has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

Sharif loves what he does, and he is proud of the positive impact he has had and will continue to have on the people he represents and the community he lives in.

If Sharif can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call him at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

Why Should I Call An Attorney For My Boating Accident?

If you’ve suffered personal injuries in a boat accident due to the negligence of another operator, you may be entitled to maximum compensation. A skilled boat accident lawyer can help you navigate the intricacies of state and federal maritime laws, assess your injuries, determine fault, file boating accident claims, and seek damages on your behalf. 

You don’t have to dissect Virginia boating laws or negotiate with insurers by yourself – Let us help. Contact RVA Trial Lawyers today for your free consultation with a top-rated personal injury attorney in Virginia. 

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we are here to help. Sharif Gray has won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call us at (804) 915-1611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

How Can a Boat Accident Attorney Help?

Hiring skilled boat accident lawyers can be the difference between a successful personal injury case and an unsuccessful claim. Whether it was a collision with other boats, an independent incident on a personal watercraft, or injuries caused by another reckless boat operator – Working with a skilled attorney is absolutely essential to navigating the ins and outs of these highly complex cases. 

Expertise in Boat Accident Injury Cases

For the best results, it’s recommended that you work with experienced accident attorneys. The best personal injury lawyers take into account all factors related to boating accidents. That includes:

  • Speed of the craft
  • Failure to wear a life jacket 
  • Intoxication levels of boat operators
  • Infractions of maritime laws 
  • Distracted boating 
  • Proper boating education 
  • And more 

If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence on the water, we’ve got your back. Contact RVA Trial Lawyers today to schedule your free consultation. 

Comprehensive Claim Handling

From the accident report to the final settlement or court verdict, boat accident lawyers manage all aspects of your claim. That includes gathering evidence from the scene where the accident occurred, interviewing witnesses, obtaining expert testimony to support claims of boating accident injuries, and more. This approach helps ensure that all injuries sustained, their cause, and costs (current and future) are well documented. 

Navigating Complex Legal Waters

In many cases, boating accidents involve incredibly complex legal issues that differ from car collisions or motorcycle accidents. Experienced boating accident lawyers understand both state and federal maritime laws, which can prove crucial in highly contentious cases involving boat collisions. Further, they can manage separate boating claims involving multiple parties. 

Maximizing Compensation

Your attorney will help you file accurate boat injury claims that adequately reflect your losses. That includes seeking maximum compensation for:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost income or ability to earn an income 
  • Rehabilitation and ongoing medical support
  • Property damages
  • Pain and suffering 

Our personal injury attorneys are here to help you secure compensation for your short and long term losses. Contact us today to discuss the details of your case. 

Educating Clients

In addition to advocating on your behalf, your boating accident lawyer will also provide you with education about your rights and responsibilities. That may include recommending a specific boating education course, discussing safety equipment usage, and more. This added layer of knowledge can help boat owners and riders gain a better understanding of maritime law as it relates to their personal injury case. 

Protecting Your Rights Against Insurance Companies

Insurers are notorious for minimizing compensation and saving as much money as they can on every claim. An aggressive attorney who’s familiar with boat accident cases will fight to ensure accident victims get the compensation they deserve. At RVA Trial Lawyers, our boat accident attorneys are committed to helping you obtain fair damages and protecting your rights. Contact us today for your free initial consultation. 

Most Common Types of Boating Accidents in Virginia

The term “boating accident” can refer to any type of collision involving a personal watercraft. That can include boats, jet skis, yachts, etc. Some of the most common types of boat accidents include:

  • Recreational boating accidents – May be the result of excessive speed, negligence, not having the proper safety equipment onboard, or an otherwise failure to operate in a reasonable and prudent manner. 
  • Accidents Caused by Intoxication – Unfortunately, many boat operators have caused serious accidents, including fatal injuries, due to intoxication. 
  • Collisions Involving Jet Skis – These personal watercraft accidents are most likely to result in catastrophic or fatal injuries. 

Further, according to the United States Coast Guard, many boat accident cases are the result of fires, explosions, mishaps involving towable objects, running aground, sinking due to collisions, and passengers falling overboard. 

From serious injuries like traumatic brain injuries or spinal cord injuries to wrongful death claims, our attorneys are here to help you assert your rights and seek maximum compensation for your damages.

Potential Damages After a Boat Accident

Personal injury cases involving boating accidents often result in significant injuries, like broken bones, disfiguration, burns, and more. The best boating accident attorneys work tirelessly to secure maximum compensation for your damages. 

That can include compensation for: 

  • Economic Damages – Medical expenses, damaged property, lost income, cost of rehabilitation, etc. 
  • Non-Economic Damages – Pain and suffering, loss of consortium, emotional trauma, etc. 
  • Punitive Damages – In rare cases, the court orders defendants to pay additional damages as a form of punishment and a deterrent. 

An experienced boat accident attorney can help you understand the full value of your case, submit flawless personal injury claims, and aggressively negotiate on your behalf. Give us a call to discuss your case today. 

Schedule Your Consultation With Our Boating Accident Attorneys Today

Understanding the nuance of marine accidents and maritime claims requires the expertise and savvy of a skilled personal injury attorney. The legal team at RVA Trial Lawyers are here to help you identify all potentially liable parties and seek the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation with a boating accident attorney you can trust.


Virginia Personal Injury Lawyer

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

Sharif Gray works as a trial lawyer at Broughton Injury Law. Sharif has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

Sharif loves what he does, and he is proud of the positive impact he has had and will continue to have on the people he represents and the community he lives in.

If Sharif can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call him at (804) 915-1611 or contact him online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

What To Do If You’re Hit By an Uninsured Driver in Virginia

Navigating the aftermath of an accident can be stressful and confusing, especially if you’re hit by an uninsured driver in Virginia. Motor vehicle accident victims involved in collisions with uninsured or underinsured drivers should contact law enforcement, check their UM policy limits, notify their insurance provider, and reach out to a car accident lawyer as soon as possible – Continue reading to learn more. 

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we are here to help. Sharif Gray has won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call us at (804) 915-1611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you. 

Step 1: Notify The Police

When an uninsured driver hits you and causes injuries, it’s in your best interest to contact law enforcement and file a police report as soon as possible, even if it’s a minor collision. Not only does this serve as an official acknowledgement that you were hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver, but it’s absolutely vital in helping you seek reimbursement (potentially from your own insurance) for your covered losses.

Step 2: Check Your Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Be sure to review your car insurance policy to understand the limits of your uninsured motorist coverage (if you have it). This coverage is specifically designed to protect insured drivers who are hit by those without adequate coverage or sufficient assets to seek damages from.  

In Virginia, your uninsured motorist coverage ensures you have enough insurance to help cover medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage (i.e., damaged vehicle, electronics, personal items, etc.) that the at fault driver would typically be responsible for. 

In most states, including Virginia, drivers aren’t required to have a UM policy under their own insurance coverage. However, it’s an optional add on to an auto insurance policy that can help an insured driver save thousands of dollars if they’re involved in a crash with a phantom vehicle. 

Step 3: Notify Your Own Insurance Company

After you’ve informed the police and checked your UM policy, it’s recommended that you reach out to your liability insurance provider. When talking with them, inform your provider of the accident, that the other driver was uninsured, and that you’ll be making a claim against your own uninsured motorist coverage. However, never admit fault during this conversation – Let your personal injury attorney determine that. 

Step 4: Call a Virginia Car Insurance Attorney

Aside from seeking medical attention and contacting your insurance provider, this may be the most important step. A Virginia car insurance attorney can help you navigate the complexities of your uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage in VA. 

They understand how to recover  fair damages from the car insurance company, which can include compensation to get your car fixed, money for medical bills, lost income coverage, and more. 

Further, your attorney can help you seek compensation directly from those operating motor vehicles without adequate insurance – Which can be especially helpful in cases that involve a hit and run accident and/or serious injuries. 

Why is it Hard to Recover Damages From an Uninsured or Underinsured Driver?

Recovering damages from an uninsured or underinsured driver after a serious accident isn’t that easy. That’s because many of these drivers don’t have the financial resources to pay for the damages they cause. 

Further, if you have liability collision coverage on your vehicle, but the at fault driver is underinsured, it may not cover all of your expenses. That’s especially true if you don’t have personal injury protection (PIP coverage). 

In no-fault states, your own insurance typically covers your injuries regardless of who caused the accident. However, in states like Virginia, you’ll need to rely on your UIM coverage to fill the gap after an accident with an uninsured driver. 

It’s important to note that most insurance companies are highly motivated to make low ball offers, which is why it’s essential to reach out to a car accident lawyer to better understand the legal options available to you. 

Contact An Experienced Car Accident Attorney

If you’ve suffered serious injuries in an auto accident due to the negligence of an underinsured or uninsured driver, you may be entitled to maximum compensation. At RVA Trial Lawyers, our attorneys are dedicated to helping you uncover fault, identify uninsured drivers, and seek the damages you deserve. 

Don’t wait until it’s too pursue a personal injury case or maximum compensation for your uninsured motorist claim. Contact us for your free consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Richmond, VA today.

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

We are not settlement lawyers. Sharif Gray has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

We love what we do, and we are proud of the positive impact we have had and will continue to have on the people we represent and the community we live in.

If we can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call us at (804) 915-1611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

What Happens If You Don’t Exchange Information After an Accident?

Perhaps one of the most fundamental steps after a car accident is to exchange information with the other driver involved – But, what happens if you don’t? You could face fines, criminal charges, and decrease the likelihood of obtaining compensation for your injuries. 

In this post, we’ll outline the importance of gathering and exchanging information after a car crash, and what happens if you or someone else neglects this responsibility. 

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we are here to help. Sharif Gray has won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call us at (804) 915-1611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you. 

Potential Consequences For Not Exchanging Information After a Car Accident

Failure to stop and exchange information after a car accident can result in several legal complications. For example, suppose you leave the scene of a collision without giving your details. In that case, you could be charged with a hit and run, especially if there’s significant property damage or someone is injured.

Additionally, neglecting to exchange insurance information can result in claim processing delays, which could lead to you paying out of your own pocket for injuries.  If you weren’t at fault, but don’t have the correct details from the other driver, it could even prevent you from pursuing damages. 

Lastly, neglecting to exchange information can affect your driving privileges and insurance premiums. 

What Information Am I Obligated to Exchange After An Accident?

Contact Information

These details include information like the name, address, and phone numbers of all people involved. Not only does this ensure that everyone can stay in touch, but it’s also essential for the insurance claims and legal process. 

Car Insurance Company Information

In addition to personal information, you’ll need to exchange insurance details. This includes your and the other driver’s insurance company details, including their policy number. Taking this step allows you or your attorney to reach their insurance provider directly to discuss coverage and claim options. 

Vehicle & DMV Information

Noting the make, model, and license plate number of the other vehicle is just as important as other types of information. If it’s possible, collect the driver’s information related to their vehicle registration directly from their insurance card – which may also include their license plate and other relevant vehicle information.

Eyewitness Information

Suppose there are witnesses to the accident. In that case, be sure to get their contact information before they leave the scene. Their official account of what happened may be instrumental in proving the merits of your insurance claim while helping you to recover maximum compensation. 

A Minor Accident Occurred – Should I Still File a Police Report?

Minor accidents and fender benders may not seem significant enough to file a police report, but they are. A police report can provide an official record that the accident happened and serve as crucial evidence in cases where the other party later claims more injuries or damages than initially reported. 

What to Avoid After a Car Accident in Virginia

The actions you take right after a car or truck accident can have a significant impact on your insurance claim and ability to pursue damages for your injuries. With that in mind, here are a few things drivers should avoid immediately after an accident: 

  • Failure to call the police – A police accident report is especially necessary if the accident happened on public property and resulted in serious injuries or damages. 
  • Not exchanging insurance information – Failure to exchange information can result in potential criminal and civil penalties, up to hit and run charges. This is why it’s important to get and give the insurance details (including insurance agent contact information) as soon as possible. 
  • Losing your composure – Be sure to remain calm. Losing your temper may affect your judgment and hinder your ability to handle the situation rationally. 
  • Prematurely admitting fault – Let your attorney and the insurance adjuster determine fault. Admitting blame at the scene of the crash could limit your ability to file an insurance claim or seek maximum compensation.
  • Ignoring your insurance provider – Your insurance policy outlines how long you have to contact them after an accident. Waiting too long to reach them could complicate the claims process, especially if you didn’t get the other driver’s information. 
  • Failing to contact a car accident lawyer – Your attorney can advise you about how to handle interactions with insurance companies, when to settle vs go to trial, and how to make a claim under your UM coverage (if necessary). 

Avoiding these common mistakes can save you a lot of headaches, time, and money – Ensuring your rights are protected and your personal injury case is resolved as smoothly and favorably as possible. 

Contact RVA Trial Lawyers Today

If you’ve been injured in an accident caused by another driver’s negligence, you may be entitled to maximum compensation. Whether you’ve been involved in a bicycle accident, pedestrian collision, motorcycle accident, or car crash, an experienced Virginia personal injury lawyer can help you seek damages, even if the other driver neglected to exchange details. 

At RVA Trial Lawyers, we’re here to walk you step-by-step through the claims process. That includes guiding you through your legal options, helping you obtain all necessary information after an accident, and ensuring you get the compensation you deserve. 

From helping with insurance claims to navigating the ins and outs of small claims court, our attorneys are here to help you obtain the most favorable outcome in your accident case. Contact us today for your free initial consultation.

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

We are not settlement lawyers. Sharif Gray has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

We love what we do, and we are proud of the positive impact we have had and will continue to have on the people we represent and the community we live in.

If we can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call us at (804) 915-1611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.