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Author: sgray

5 Signs You Need a Hospital Malpractice Lawyer

Each time you visit a hospital, you put your trust in its facilities, practices, and medical staff, including nurses and doctors. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always lead to a positive outcome. Medical malpractice occurs when these entities fail to act under the prevailing professional standards or fail to foresee consequences that a professional person, having the necessary skills and education, should foresee.

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries due to the negligence of a healthcare provider, it’s in your best interest to contact a hospital malpractice lawyer as soon as possible. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be entitled to damages for your injuries. 

Continue reading to learn more about malpractice in Virginia hospitals and when to reach out to an attorney about your case.

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we are here to help. Sharif Gray has won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call us at (804) 915-1611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you. 

When Can You Sue Your Hospital?

When your medical team fails to perform their duties responsibly, these mishaps can lead to injury. Provided you have the evidence, you can sue a hospital for negligence to recover general damages like medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. 

Generally, your hospital negligence attorney may advise you to file a claim against a healthcare provider in the following circumstances (that lead to injuries):

  • Poorly trained staff commit errors
  • Security staff acts negligently
  • Dangerous conditions on the premises
  • Medical records get lost
  • Unsanitary hygiene practices
  • Poor equipment maintenance and upkeep
  • Lack of clear communication
  • Understaffing and low nurse-to-patient ratio
  • Old or defective equipment is still being used

Many malpractice claims are preventable but poor facility maintenance, a lack of resources, or a lack of protocol can cause problems for patients. Consider the following signs to determine if you’ve been a victim of hospital negligence. 

5 Signs You Need A Hospital Malpractice Lawyer

If you’ve been harmed while under the care of a medical facility, then you could be entitled to financial compensation according to the law. However, it’s not always clear who’s responsible and what you’re entitled to. 

Here are some telltale signs that your rights have been violated and you should speak with a hospital negligence lawyer: 

Your Illness Has Worsened Because of a Medication Mistake

The US Food and Drug Administration receives over 100,000 reports of medication errors each year. This leads to billions of dollars in economic losses with 41% of US citizens suffering from a medical error every year. 

Medication mistakes can extend your hospital stay for days or weeks, thus drastically multiplying your medical costs. If you’ve been prescribed improper medication you may be eligible to seek compensation for your injuries, ailments, additional medical costs, and more. 

Birth Injuries Have Harmed You or Your Child

Improper birthing techniques may permanently disable a child (i.e., paralysis, mental impairment, etc.) or even result in a newborn’s death. In many cases, permanent birth injuries require therapy and round-the-clock treatment. Consider consulting with a seasoned legal professional if you or your infant suffered injuries due to negligence during childbirth. 

You’re Unfamiliar With the Hospital Malpractice Claim Process

Malpractice law is complex and involves many moving parts. As such, it can be beneficial to hire an experienced hospital negligence attorney. A diligent personal injury lawyer can guide you through each step of the lawsuit process, including:

  • Conduct investigations
  • Gather evidence of malpractice
  • File a malpractice claim
  • Advocate for you in settlement negotiations
  • Defend your rights in trial when necessary

Settlement Negotiations Have Stalled 

Insurance companies make billions of dollars in profit every year by refusing to pay victims what they’re entitled to. If the insurance company stonewalls you or offers you less than you deserve, then an attorney can help you understand what’s fair and fight for your rights. 

In many cases, the insurance company will attempt to devalue your claim, but a skilled medical negligence attorney can aggressively negotiate on your behalf to recover maximum compensation for your damages. 

You’re Not Sure How to Value Your Case

It can be hard for medical injury victims to assess the value of their damages while experiencing the aftermath of their injuries. A hospital malpractice lawyer can calculate all your damages and help you secure the best possible compensation.

Contact Our Hospital Lawyers For Your Injuries

Medical negligence cases must be filed before the statute of limitations expires – Which is why you should move as quickly as possible to begin the claims process.  Our attorneys are here to help you determine fault, investigate your claims, and hold negligent healthcare providers accountable for their actions.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to seek the compensation you deserve. Contact RVA Trial Lawyers today at 1-804-915-1611 for your free initial consultation with a Virginia medical malpractice attorney you can trust.

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

We are not settlement lawyers. Sharif Gray has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

We love what we do, and we are proud of the positive impact we have had and will continue to have on the people we represent and the community we live in.

If we can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call us at (804) 915-1611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

When to Call a Virginia Bus Accident Lawyer

Bus accidents can result in devastating injuries, costly medical bills, and extreme stress. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to determine who’s at fault or who you should seek damages from. 

Depending on the circumstances, and extent of your injuries, you may need the legal support of an experienced bus accident attorney to help you hold liable parties responsible – But when should you call an attorney, exactly? 

Continue reading to learn the tale-tell signs that it’s time to consult with a bus accident lawyer in Virginia.

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we are here to help. Sharif Gray has won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call us at (804) 915-1611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you. 

Bus Accident Crash Statistics

According to the latest data gathered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in 2021, there were  5,904 large trucks and buses involved in fatal crashes. That was an  18-percent increase from 2020 and large truck and bus fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled by all motor vehicles increased from 0.176 to 0.191. 

Further, between 2020 and 2021 the number of large trucks involved in injury crashes increased by 11 percent, from 105,000 to 117,000. We’re still awaiting bus crash statistics from 2022 and beyond, but we will furnish them as they become available. 

 Virginia School Bus Accident Statistics

These kinds of accidents don’t just happen to commercial vehicles. In fact, there are hundreds of crashes that result in school bus accident claims every year in VA. According to the Virginia Department of Education, there were 287 bus collisions across the state in the 2022 – 2023 school year. 

These accidents resulted in 1 death and 45 accident injuries. That said, if you or your child has suffered a serious injury due to a school bus accident, you may be entitled to seek damages. Contact us today to speak with a VA school bus accident lawyer you can trust. 

What Causes Virginia Bus Accidents? 

Virginia’s terrain varies and features mountainous winding roads, bustling city streets, and high-traffic suburbs – Which is why more than 84% of all VA crashes happen on non-interstate roads. There are times when the weather, road conditions, and the like play a role in bus accidents. However, in many cases, these collisions are the result of driver error (i.e., speeding, distracted driving, improper operation, etc.) or negligence on behalf of the bus company. 

Driver Error

All bus drivers are trained well enough to handle these large vehicles. However, when they make dangerous mistakes, it can cause catastrophic accidents. 

A few of the most common fatal bus driver errors include but aren’t limited to: 

  • Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Fatigued driving and falling asleep behind the wheel
  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Aggressive driving

If you’ve suffered an injury due to a negligent driver, you may be entitled to recover maximum compensation. Contact us today to discuss the details of your case. 

Bus Company Or School Board Negligence

When bus companies or school boards fail to adequately maintain their vehicles,  an otherwise easy to fix defect can put passengers in danger. In cases where neglect leads to injury, they can (and should) be held responsible for their actions. For example, suppose a poorly trained employee causes a bus crash. In that case, the bus company or school system could be liable for all injuries and damages caused. 

Third-Party Fault

Bus drivers, school boards, and companies aren’t always responsible for collisions. Sometimes, these accidents are caused by other drivers on the road – Which could be due to recklessness, carelessness, and more. In cases involving third-parties, it’s absolutely critical to consult with an attorney to ensure you seek damages from the right party. 

The Role of a Virginia Bus Accident Attorney

In the aftermath of a bus collision, dealing with insurers, filing claims, examining evidence, etc. while recovering physically can be overwhelming. Working with an attorney can alleviate a lot of stress and tremendously increase your chances of recovering fair compensation for your damages. Learn more below. 

How An Attorney Can Support You

Excellent legal representation isn’t just about advice. It’s about working with a law firm that has the tools, knowledge and experience to handle your case from beginning to end while you focus on recovering your health. 

Generally, when you hire a seasoned lawyer to handle your claim, you can expect: 

  • A thorough investigation of your bus crash claim
  • Eyewitness identification, vetting, and interviews
  • Collection and preservation of key evidence 
  • Case evaluations that take into account the full extent of your injuries 
  • Negotiations with insurance companies 
  • Representation at trial, if necessary

In many cases, bus and large truck accidents cause serious injuries, potentially even death. Working with the best personal injury lawyers in VA not only gives you peace of mind, but it also greatly increases your chances of winning your case. 

Call Our VA Bus Accident Lawyers for a Free Consultation

If you or a loved one has suffered catastrophic injuries in a bus accident due to the fault of another person/entity, you may be eligible to seek compensation for your damages. 

Our bus and truck crash attorneys in Virginia are here to help you through the process every step of the way. That includes assessing the viability of your claim, determining fault, negotiating with insurers, and taking your case to trial when necessary.  

Don’t wait until the statute of limitations expires or the evidence trail goes cold. Contact RVA Trial Lawyers today to schedule your free initial consultation with a lawyer you can trust.

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

We are not settlement lawyers. Sharif Gray has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

We love what we do, and we are proud of the positive impact we have had and will continue to have on the people we represent and the community we live in.

If we can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call us at (804) 915-1611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

New Driving Laws in Virginia 2024

Staying on top of the latest driving laws in VA isn’t always easy. However, if you don’t, it could result in costly tickets, license suspension, or even impoundment of your vehicle. In this post, we dive into some of the new laws taking effect in 2024 as well discuss a few important driving laws in Virginia that you should keep at the top of your mind. 

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we are here to help. Sharif Gray has won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. Call us at (804) 915-1611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

Newest Laws For Drivers in Virginia

There are plenty of subtle changes to Virginia traffic laws, that if you’re not careful, you can easily miss. Staying updated about these changes can save you a lot of money, time, and headaches. 

Uninsured Motorist Regulatory Updates

Currently, Virginia Code §46.2-708 mandates that if an uninsured vehicle gets into an accident resulting in wrongful death, injury, or property damages, and the owner hasn’t paid the uninsured motor vehicle fee, their license and registration will be suspended. After, the owner must pay $600 for a noncompliance fee and provide proof of future financial responsibility. 

Starting on July 1, 2024, the owner of said vehicle will have an opportunity to participate in an administrative hearing where they can contest the suspension and fee. However, they have to request the hearing within 180 days of the commission’s decision. 

Virginia’s Non Compliance Fee Payment Changes

Beginning July 1, 2024, Virginia’s § 46.2-707.1 rolls out a payment plan for those with uninsured vehicles who are facing license and registration suspension. It will give uninsured drivers up to three years to pay their noncompliance fees. 

Once they pay the $25 administration fee to enroll or reenter the program, their license and registration will be reinstated. However, if they default on their payment plan, their suspension will continue until they can make a full payment as well as furnish their proof of financial responsibility. 

Highway Usage Fees for Alternative and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles

46.2-772  in the Virginia code isn’t a new law, but it’s been recently implemented and continually updated. Essentially, it imposes an annual highway usage fee for alternative fuel vehicles, electric motor vehicles, and fuel-efficient vehicles. 

The registration fee (calculated at 85% of the fuel tax for a standard fuel economy vehicle) will be calculated based on the vehicle’s fuel efficiency. It’s important to note that this law doesn’t apply to: 

  • Motorcycles and mopeds 
  • Vehicles weighing over 10,000 pounds
  • Government-owned vehicles
  • Vehicles registered under the International Registration Plan 
  • Mileage-based user fee program vehicles

Virginia’s Proof of Insurance Regulations

46.2-902.1 currently mandates that motorists involved in an accident present proof of insurance or evidence of payment of the uninsured vehicle registration fee within a thirty-day window of their accident. 

However, starting July 1, 2024, this law requires that drivers only provide proof of insurance and eliminates the option to show payment of the uninsured vehicle registration. It’s important to note that this change does not state that Virginia is abolishing the uninsured vehicle registration fee altogether. 

Important VA Driving Laws to Consider

Understanding important driving laws in Virginia can protect your health, finances, and ability to seek damages after a car accident. Generally, here are a few key traffic laws to keep in mind the next time you are in a car. 

Driving Too Slowly

We all know the dangers of speeding. However, what’s not always as apparent is how dangerous driving too slowly can be. With that in mind, driving under the speed limit, particularly in a passing lane, can result in a ticket and demerit points on your license. Further, if someone violates this law and gets into an accident, they could be liable for all damages that occur. 

Hands-Free Driving Regulations

Distracted driving injures thousands of people every year – Which is why Virginia doesn’t allow the use of a handheld device (i.e., cell phone, tablet, etc.) while operating a motor vehicle. Not only can this kind of distraction lead to a ticket, but it could also result in a collision. 

Tailgating Laws

Driving too closely in Virginia is illegal and dangerous. That’s because tailgating put’s vehicles at much higher risk of colliding. As such, an individual could face both traffic and civil penalties (i.e., a personal injury lawsuit) if they follow too closely and cause an accident. 

Contact RVA Trial Lawyers Today

Staying updated about important Virginia driving laws can keep your insurance premiums down and ensure you do everything in your power to avoid a collision. However, some accidents are unavoidable. 

If you or a loved one has been involved in a collision due to the negligence of another driver, it’s in your best interest to consult an attorney as soon as possible. Don’t wait until it’s too late to seek the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to speak with an experienced Virginia car accident attorney you can trust.

“We Get Justice For Injured People, and We Love What We Do”

We are not settlement lawyers. Sharif Gray has proven that he can and will get results in court, and the insurance companies know that. If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, we can help.

Sharif is committed to trying cases well. Because of that, he does not handle hundreds of cases at a time. He is selective in the cases he takes so he can get justice for the people he represents. In every case, he has three goals:

  1. Hold the responsible corporation or individual fully accountable.
  2. Make the community safer, so others are not also harmed.
  3. Compensation that recognizes the full and fair value of what was taken from your health and quality of life.

We love what we do, and we are proud of the positive impact we have had and will continue to have on the people we represent and the community we live in.

If we can be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call us at (804) 915-1611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will get justice for you.

“You Can’t Get Nowhere with a Thousand-Dollar Saddle on a Ten-Dollar Horse.”

“You can’t get nowhere with a thousand-dollar saddle on a ten-dollar horse.”

That line comes from a story that Gerry Spence is known to share:

Uncle Slim points to a dude in the corral trying to saddle a beaten-up horse with a fancy saddle, made of black leather lined with silver. Slim turns to Spence and says, “Ya can’t get nowhere with a thousand-dollar saddle on a ten-dollar horse.”

For Spence, the thousand-dollar saddle is the expensive, but not particularly helpful, legal education. And the horse is the lawyer.

We consistently neglect the horse.

Trials are human events. To succeed at trial, you must connect with the humans deciding your case. And, for that to happen, you must be authentic and allow yourself to be seen for who you are.

And that takes real work.

For me, the work has been consistent counseling for the last decade. Those sessions have forced me to really question what I value and how I want to live my life.

I have learned that there is no such thing as “failure” provided you learn from the experience, that discomfort = growth, and that there is nothing more powerful than the person with a dream who will never give up.

Working on the horse has helped me become a better trial lawyer and a better version of myself.

It’s easy to say: “just be you.” It’s hard to actually do it.

But it is a journey that’s well worth it.

Learn From Everyone

The Courtroom Deputies placed their bets.

And they got it right.

I found out after a recent trial that the Courtroom Deputies accurately predicted the verdict.

Impressive, but not surprising.

The Deputies are in court every day. They watch case after case, lawyer after lawyer, and they know what the Judge will do better than anyone else.

I have learned over the last nine years as a trial lawyer that the longer I do it, the more I realize how much I do not know and the more I realize how important it is to consider others’ point of views (which is why focus groups are essential).

Trial lawyers have egos. (You can’t do this job well without one). It takes a confident person to turn down an offer and try the case.

But, if unchecked, the ego can prevent you from considering other point of views. And that is dangerous for you and your client.

The people who decide our cases are normally not lawyers. They are good, regular people (just like the Courtroom Deputies).

And their opinions matter.

Learn from everyone, regardless of whether they have “esquire” behind their name.

You Need a Lawyer With Grit

There is one thing that separates good from great.


All great trial lawyers have it.

“Great trial lawyers did not become great overnight. They are gritty individuals who often lost in their early careers and did not lose sight of the long-term goal of improving and learning from each loss. They were not easily deterred or discouraged by early setbacks and failures. They were willing to travel the long road and exert enormous effort to become great trial lawyers.”

-United States District Judge Mark W. Bennett (Ret.)

Great trial lawyers are “not afraid to die on a treadmill.”

I don’t know where grit comes from, or why some have it and others don’t.

But it’s real.

And it makes a difference (and not just for trial lawyers).

Experience Matters

You are standing in the middle of the courtroom.

The jury is staring at you. And the judge is waiting.

What you decide to do next matters.

And it is informed not just by the few weeks of preparation you did for that case, but by that preparation AND who you have become as a trial lawyer and a person.

When you hire me, you don’t just get a trial lawyer for your case.

You get me:

Nine years in and around courtrooms.

The lessons I learned from my losses.

And my wins.

Every training I’ve attended.

All the books I’ve read.

My community.

My mentors.

Who I have become as a trial lawyer.

And who I have become as a person, a husband, and a father.

Every decision we make is informed by our experiences.

So if you are a young lawyer, seek out the experiences you want/need to accomplish your goals. If the job you are in or considering will not help you get those experiences, make a change.

Never forget this:

Early in your career, prioritize getting the right experiences over money.

You and your clients will be better for it.

Prepare For Trial – Nothing Else Matters

If you try cases, only five things matter.

Everything else is a distraction.

1. Jury Selection

2. Opening Statement

3. Direct Examinations

4. Cross-Examinations

5. Closing Argument

That’s it.

Effective trial lawyers approach everything that they do with an eye towards those five things.

There really is no need to get lost in the pretrial “games.”

Just prepare for trial.

The other side will take notice, and your client will be better for it.

Judges Are People Too

“You’re doing too much; it’s just a bench trial.”


A bench trial is still a trial: opening statement, direct examinations, cross examinations, and closing argument.

Judges are people too. They make decisions just like jurors, so it is in our client’s benefit to approach bench trials the same way we approach jury trials.

As such, with the exception of jury selection, the preparation and presentation for a bench trial should be the same as a jury trial.

And the other side will not be prepared for it, because they will expect that you will approach the trial like it’s “just a bench trial.”

(Bonus: The Judge will appreciate your effort and their verdict may reflect that.)

ChatGPT Will Never Replace The Trial Lawyer

Sorry, ChatGPT.

You can’t replace the trial lawyer.

There will always be a need for those willing to stand up in a courtroom.

For those who advocate on behalf of others.

And for those who bring humanity to our justice system.

There will always be a need for the trial lawyer.

Tools like ChatGPT will help the trial lawyer, but they will never replace the trial lawyer.

Because the law needs people.

“The law is an amazing tool, but it has limits. Good people, on the other hand, don’t have limits. The law is not in the business of forgiveness or redemption. The law cannot compel us to love each other or respect each other. It cannot cancel hate or conquer evil; teach grace or extinguish passions. The law cannot achieve these things, not by itself. It takes people—brave and strong and extraordinary people.”

-Preet Bharara